Tuesday, 21 June 2011

All change!

Things are all change here at the RSPCA press office this week.

Monday saw the return of our head of press Henry Macaulay to RSPCA HQ after taking a nine-month sabattical. He's been travelling the world and making us all jealous with his amazing adventures.

Thursday sees my departure from the RSPCA press office. Yes, I am journeying to pastures new to take on a new role as communications officer for Battersea Dogs and Cats Home. I have spent two years here and have loved every minute. But, it's time for a change! However, I am thrilled I will still be working in the animal welfare and charity sectors and hope you will still keep up to date with what I am up to on my Twitter feed - JudeAtRSPCA - which is set to change to JudeAtBattersea next week.

But, this is not the end of the blog. My colleagues will be taking over and filling you in on all you need to know! Make sure you regularly check out http://lifeattherspcapressoffice.blogspot.com/ or follow them on Twitter - @KatyaRSPCA @HelenRSPCA @ARobbinsRSPCA @CalieRSPCA
Thanks so much for following my blog and hope you have enjoyed it. xxxx

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Air gun attacks on the rise - alarming new stats released today

Today, the RSPCA is releasing stats which show an increase in the severity and frequency of air gun attacks on animals.

Hundreds of animals are needlessly suffering as reckless air gun users continue to take pot shots at animals.

Every year, especially during the summer, RSPCA centres are overrun with animals who have been victimised in these cruel and callous attacks.

Throughout last year, the RSPCA dealt with 567 complaints, collections and rescues regarding air gun incidents - 135 of those were between January and April. During the same period this year, it has already dealt with 165 cases and the charity fears the numbers may continue to soar during the summer months.*

Cats are the most frequent victims of air gun attacks but dogs, birds and wildlife have also been injured in this heartless way.

However, we're worried that many cases go unreported or some owners may never know what has happened to their pet as injured animals usually look for a quiet wooded or sheltered area in which to die.

Therefore, these alarming stats may only be the tip of the iceberg.

RSPCA Harmsworth Hospital director David Grant has been treating animals suffering wounds inflicted by air guns for nearly 43 years. 

He said: “We’re seeing far too many animals being brought in for treatment after they have suffered life-threatening injuries.

“The severity of injuries inflicted by air guns has increased dramatically. Modern air guns have immense power and the pellets are not being embedded on the surface of the cat, as I used to regularly deal with, but are now passing through the body and smashing bones to smithereens.

A new offence was introduced earlier this year to drive down the number of under 18s who are accessing air guns.*

From February this year, owners have been liable for a fine of up to £1,000 if they do not take steps to prevent people under the age of 18 accessing their air gun. Safety leaflets are also now issued with every air gun purchased.

I make no secret of how much I adore my cat. I can't even imagine what it would be like to lose him in such a horrific manner. He isn't a big fan of the outside and has only occasionally strayed out of our garden on his own - which I must say I am relieved about given that a shop selling air guns is just around the corner. My heart goes out to anyone who loses a much-loved pet due to the heartless actions of others.

Here’s just some of the cases the RSPCA has picked up the pieces for already so far this year.

Ginger Tom Benny was nearly paralysed when he was shot with an air gun and the pellet narrowly missed his spine.  Owner Mandy Chesterton found Benny near her home with blood pouring from a wound near his leg. He was immediately rushed to a vet for treatment.

Mandy said: “I am just shocked that someone would shoot at an innocent animal. Benny is now quite nervous about going out and he keeps just staying in the garden.”

An elderly cat was repeatedly shot with an air gun which left five lead pellets lodged in his back leg. Vets were able to remove one of the pellets from 17-year-old Aslan’s leg but a vet did not want to risk operating on him due to his old age.

Owner Mrs Copland said: “I’m not convinced he’ll ever be right again now, not at his age. I’m afraid to let him out on his own because if he manages to get over the fence, I’m not sure he’ll be able to get back again. It’s disconcerting to think that somebody’s out there shooting at things. You just don’t know why they did it.”

Six-month-old tabby Marley suffered a broken leg after he was shot with an air gun at close range. Vets removed the pellet and his leg had to be pinned while he was on cage rest and recovering from his ordeal.

Owner Emma Gibson said:  “My daughter was the one who found Marley lying in the garden and it really upset her to find our cat in this way.”

To report an air gun incident, or any other form of animal cruelty, call the RSPCA’s 24-hour cruelty and advice line on 0300 1234 999. 

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Back Off Badgers!

A BBC poll has today revealed that the UK public is opposed to the much-debated badger cull.

You lovely people - both young and old, men and women, living in both towns and the countryside - have voiced your anger at the Government’s plans to introduce a badger cull in England.

2/3 (63%) of people asked in a telephone poll said they were against the cull which the Government says could prevent the spread of bovine TB in cattle.

However, the RSPCA has long voiced its opinions that a cull is not an effective way combat the spread of the disease. We believe that vaccination, increased levels of testing, improved biosecurity and stricter controls on the movement of cattle are more sustainable ways of reducing the risk.

The RSPCA has spent years campaigning against the cull. More than 40,000 people objected to the plans following our Back Off Badgers campaign which voiced our opposition to the cull in England. In addition, we received hundreds of postcards and text messages from people voicing their support for England’s badgers.

A cull could actually rid some areas of up to 70% of their badger population, which would be heartbreaking. It may also fail to reduce the problem anyway.

The Independent Scientific Group on cattle TB (ISG) examined the science behind a badger cull. Its report in 2007 concluded that killing badgers could actually increase the spread of bTB, making matters worse rather than better. 

A cull is simply not the answer to reduce the rate of bovine TB in cattle. Yes, something needs to be done but plans need to be well thought out to make sure they are effective in the long term to protect the welfare of all animals.

More info on what the RSPCA is doing about the issue is on our website -  http://www.rspca.org.uk/getinvolved/campaigns/badgers

Thursday, 2 June 2011

If you shout loud enough, will people listen?

I am a big believer in strength in numbers so I am hoping a letter sent to David Cameron calling for the ban on wild animals in circuses will get his attention.

Along with a long list of animal welfare organisations including Born Free, Animal Aid, WSPA and PETA, the RSPCA has joined calls for animals like Anne the elephant to no longer live unhappy lives in travelling shows.

The Government launched its own consultation on the issue and 94% of respondants supported a ban being brought in. However, Friday 13th May proved to be unlucky as it was announced that a licensing scheme for circuses wishing to use wild animals would be brought in, instead of an outright ban.

Here's the letter in full, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the message gets through this time ...

Dear Prime Minister,

RE: Wild animals in circuses

We are writing to you on behalf of our hundreds of thousands of supporters urging you to ensure the coalition government reviews its recent decision not to prohibit the use of wild animals in circuses.

The reasons given by Defra Ministers for not introducing a ban – alleged legal proceedings against Austria’s ban and potential infringements of the Human Rights Act – have been shown to be inaccurate. More importantly, the focus on these issues is a complete red-herring. The European Commission has made clear on numerous occasions that Member States are best placed to legislate on animal welfare, including banning the use of wild animals in circuses, by the introduction of national rules. Furthermore, the risk assessment carried out for the public consultation on this matter made it very clear that "there are no human rights issues raised by these proposals".

Anne the elephant and Monty the camel were recently rehomed from Bobby Roberts' Super Circus, leaving only three circuses in the UK which continue to resist public pressure. Between them they keep an estimated 36 wild animals. The UK’s continued failure to ban the outdated practice of using wild animals in circuses, whilst many other countries have already done so, undermines the UK’s international reputation on animal welfare.

There has been much confusion in statements from Ministers on this matter leading to accusations that Defra ministers have misled Parliament and the public. We believe that in order to ensure the government has the confidence of the public, circus owners and animal welfare charities, it should put its plans on hold whilst it reviews this decision.

We, along with 94 per cent of the public who responded to the public consultation on this matter, believe that the only way to ensure high animal welfare standards is to ban the use of wild animals in circuses. This is clearly both the most proportionate and effective means of protecting animals.

We believe that the majority of the public would join us in asking the government to urgently reconsider this decision and bring forward a ban.

Yours sincerely,
Animal Aid
Animal Defenders International (ADI)
British Veterinary Association (BVA)
Born Free Foundation (BFF)
Captive Animals Protection Society (CAPS)
Care for the Wild International (CWI)
Four Paws
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) UK
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA)
World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)